Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ferals #24 & #25

Two more young feral cats fixed and vaccinated! Don't forget to check back on Friday, October 16th for a special set of National Feral Cat Day blog posts!

This cat is the clowder's version of Pig-Pen from the Peanuts Cartoon. She does not groom herself well and is usually covered in self-filth. We mentioned all of this to the vet before they took her in for spaying. The vet thinks she has a bad case of worms. They shaved her rear end, put some cream on it, and gave her a de-worming medication.

This boy reminded us so much of "Buddy" that we had to give him a name in homage. He is not necessarily as curious and forward as Buddy was as a youngster, but he has the same physical characteristics. Enough so that if Buddy wasn't fixed, we'd think he was the father.

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