Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Feral #23: The Cat Formerly Known as Balls

We went ahead and got this guy after another round of damp, chilly weather. He almost always shows up, but usually later in the evening after we have already trapped cats for the night.

"Balls" or "The Cat Formerly Known as Balls"
This boy was one of the Featured Colony Members . He had a rough kitten-hood, and developed a very bad upper respiratory infection that glued his eyes shut. We thought he might not live through it, but he did (like most do). We can tell based on our interactions with him that his vision is still very impaired from that infection (not a common problem), though his eyes have improved over the last year and a half.  He sees better at night and squints less then, but he only seems to see contrasts well. His deficiency has made him extra skittish and the other cats push him around when it comes to food, but he maintains a healthy weight (unlike some of the truly overweight, fixed cats).

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