Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Featured Colony Member: Buddy

Some of the cats in the colony have more personality than others. We thought it might be fun to introduce some of them individually. This guy was caught by neighbors in the past and fixed through the Trap-Neuter-Return program.

Buddy is one of the oldest in the colony, born in spring 2013. He was a kitten when he went through the TNR program. He is a very curious cat and is always watching while you work in the yard; sometimes from far away, sometimes from almost at your feet (but he will not let you touch him). He was quick to realize that if we were grilling food outside, he would get a scrap or two. As he got more comfortable with us, we realized that if we fed him, other cats would come to the yard looking for food. He became our "bait" to attract feral cats to the yard so we could trap them. It has become routine when feeding the feral cats that Buddy gets fed first. He understands that he is special, but he is not exactly sure why. With our help, he is the unwitting "Alpha" of the colony.

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