Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ferals #17, #18, & #19

This is a good group of cats to have caught and fixed to start October! A couple of active reproducers and a young cat we didn't have on our list yet.

"The Pale One"
This skittish lady was quite the active reproducer. She was pregnant this spring and again in the late summer, but we never saw any sign that she actually cared for her young (no swollen nipples, and spending full days in the yard, not leaving to nurse). We believe that she may have given up the kittens to one of the other nursing mothers in both the spring and the fall.

"Gray Mama One"

This blue girl has also been pregnant in the past with no follow up signs of actually caring for the kittens. She may have also given up them up to another female that was already nursing a litter, or just abandoned them outright.

"High Tail"
This cat knows how to strut! She was walking around with her tail straight up in the air looking high and mighty. There are no other cats in the colony that do that, they all stay low to the ground. We saw her and said,"We don't have that one on the list yet," as she walked right into the trap. She must be new to the idea that she isn't the center of the universe.

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