Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mid-October Numbers

With National Feral Cat Day almost here, we thought we'd give a quick update of the clowder numbers. We will be posting some great information in the next couple of days about life in an area with a large feral cat population and some details about the tools & techniques we have been utilizing in our recent efforts!

The total number of documented cats has risen to 52. This is up slightly from the count at the end September. Our latest baiting and trapping techniques have lured out several cats we had not seen before (one of which was already ear-tipped, fixed by our neighbors). Our initial estimate of sixty cats seems to have been a very good guess and starting place.

The total number of fixed cats is now at 40. That puts the documented cats at 77% spayed and neutered! This is another big step up from the end of September when it was 61%, and even more since the beginning of September when it was only 26%.

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