Friday, October 9, 2015

Featured Colony Members: The Dirty Tortie Trio

In this Featured Colony Member(s) post we would like to introduce three cats we refer to as "The Dirty Tortie Trio." There are other Tortoiseshell cats in the colony, but we refer to these three specifically as "Dirty Torties." They have a strong balance of Tortoiseshell and Tabby which gives them a unique look. All three of these ladies were fixed by our neighbor at some point through a TNR program, so we have no interest in trapping them.

If "Buddy" is the Unwitting Alpha of the colony, made so by us, then Angry is the Assertive Alpha, made so on her own accord. If there is food nearby, she will swat at other cats first and ask questions later.  She might also swat at you first and ask questions later.

"Stink Eye"
This lady will burn a hole right through you with her gaze, unless she thinks you've got something she wants. That's when you see her more angelic alter-ego (the image on the right). On multiple occasions we have heard people walking by on the sidewalk talk about getting the stink-eye from this cat.

This cat is so generic that we there is no good nickname for her except "The Other One." Perhaps in time she'll earn another one.

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