Monday, October 26, 2015

Feral #28

As we're making good progress fixing the cats in the colony, each new trapping brings us one big step closer to our goals.

This lady isn't afraid of anyone or anything. She walks right up to other cats and swats them out of the way when she's coming through. She was supposed to be the first cat we ever caught, but we were new to trapping. We slipped up, and she got away! We also caught her early this spring in the drop-trap that we use, but we let her go because we were after the kitten that got caught in the trap with her. Those experiences made her one of the most trap-skittish cats around, but the chilly autumn weather must have changed her mind enough that she risked it all for some bait food. This was our chance and we got her! She has had at least two litters in her time, but now she doesn't have to go through that anymore.

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