Sunday, September 13, 2015

Featured Colony Member: Balls

If there is a hierarchy in the colony, and our last Featured Member is at the top of the chart, then this boy is at the bottom. At feeding time, the other cats all push him out of the way; he is literally at the bottom of the food chain.

Balls was born early in 2014. As a kitten, he developed a bad eye infection. We guess it was upper respiratory, but it could have been something else. His eyes were glued shut with nasty gunk at one point (we referred to him as "Gooey Eyes") and we were certain he would not survive, but he did. His eyes are no longer glued shut, but they are definitely not in good shape. Based on our interactions with him, we can tell that he has difficulty seeing and is easily startled. He does, however, have a huge set of testicles (hence the name he has now) and he does not hesitate to show them off. There is a Spring 2015 kitten that looks just like him which we assume is his offspring, though we're not sure how he mated since all of the females shove him out of the way at dinner time. When we get around to trapping him, we will have to change his name to "Former Balls" or something.

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