Thursday, September 3, 2015

It is Out of Control

This is the start of us helping to get the population of the feral colony under control. It doesn't matter how the colony started; blaming anyone for letting it get so large and out of hand does not lead to a solution. Now is the time to gather facts and consider options. Today we compiled the first list of the colony and found there are at least 42 cats, and there are more most likely. Of those cats, 31 are unfixed.

Thanks to the people at Wild at Heart and Humane Society of Boulder Valley, we can financially afford to start the process of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for these cats. If we happen to catch kittens that are young enough, the humane society will attempt to socialize and adopt them out as pets (which they have successfully done with the seven kittens we were able to catch this spring). Slowly, these efforts will bring the population under control. 

The journey begins here.

 "What do you think these things are for?"

"We'll go in here, no-questions-asked, for food."

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