Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ferals #9 & #10

We're into the double digits now. These are a couple interesting kitties.

"Tabby Point Siamese"
There are several cats in the colony that resemble the Siamese breed. This little lady has it in addition to the popular tabby pattern. She was from a Spring 2015 litter. This is the first feral cat that the vets have told us that they noticed something out of the ordinary. She looked to have a digestive issue, so they gave her an antibiotic shot. She should be easy to keep an eye on.

 "Total Black"
Of all of the black cats in the colony, this boy is the first one we've noticed that has ZERO identifying marks. No white patches, no cool colored eyes, he is the definition of black cat. Quite a contrast from the tabby point above! He is also from a Spring 2015 litter.

*Update* - Total Black DOES have an identifying mark: They clipped his right ear instead of left on accident.

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