Friday, September 25, 2015

Featured Colony Member: Fuzzy

This is the ONLY cat in the colony that doesn't have short hair. She is also the oldest cat in the colony (at least 5 years old). Anyone familiar with the life span of a feral cat knows that this is cat is ancient, and we feel it's time she moved into a comfortable retirement.

The story told to us is that Fuzzy once gave birth to 18 kittens over the course of a single year. Each litter was born in a window-well of a neighbor's house. That neighbor was able to find people to adopt each kitten (they even kept one for themselves as an indoor cat). We believe because of this, Fuzzy is no longer related to any of the other cats living in the colony. She basically lives like a hermit. She does not socialize with the other cats outside of feeding time, and when she does, it is to swat, hiss, and fight them off for being too close to her. She will eat almost anything put in front of her and stuff her face to the point that it is getting in the way of our trapping tactics.
However, the most unique thing about Fuzzy is that she will let you pet her or grab the scruff of her neck, but only if food is involved. This characteristic has made her the focus of what we're calling our "Retirement Program." A couple friends of ours recently moved to the country and live on a good sized chunk of land. They have volunteered to take Fuzzy as a Barn Cat. There are mice and things to chase, and our friends will provide food and fresh water for her. We will also be constructing an insulated shelter for her to sleep in. She won't have to live with the stresses of her current urban environment or the other cats she clearly dislikes. 

Keep an eye out for updates about Fuzzy and our efforts to help her retire.

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