Thursday, August 15, 2019

Feral #45

We've been trying to catch this girl for what feels like a very, very long time. She only comes into the utility easement, and if we are there to watch, she just stares at us. Stone-cold stare-down.


Starey is another trapping that was only successful thanks to our Blink camera. Whenever we set up the trap and she comes around, she never goes in. She just sits outside of it and stares at us. And she knows if we are watching through the fence slats.  With the camera in place, she didn't think we were watching. She went right into the trap with no hesitation.

Of all of the mature cats we have trapped, Starey is the first one to poop in the trap over night. Some of the very young cats have, but they drop it on one end of the cage and then spend the rest of the time on the other end. Starey ended up covered in hers. It was disgusting. We transferred her to a clean cage and the vet bathed her after she went under anesthesia.

She has had at least one litter that we know of in the past, but we assume there have been more (we've seen her pregnant more than once, but could only verify kittens once). Thankfully there will be no more from her in the future!

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