Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Feral #38

This is the offspring of our last catch, Tawny Tabby. Constantly enthralled by us, we had a hard time getting this cat interested in the contents of the trap.

"Copper-Eyes Silver Tabby"

We saw this cat as a kitten earlier in the year and we tried to catch her while she could still be socialized. Unfortunately, she wouldn't come out of the utility easement. We tried a new Netting technique to catch her, but she escaped. We thought she was gone forever until she showed up a couple weeks later. Since then, she has stayed in the utility easement and hasn't wanted to come in the yard, but she is still surprisingly interested in us. We peek over the fence and she sits there and stares at us. She stretches up the fence to try and get closer to us. We imagine she thought that we were just some magic floating heads above the fence! To get her used to it, we started lowering the trap into the easement with bait food. This cat stood on top of the trap and tried to use it to get closer to our floating heads. Eventually, Tawny Tabby showed her how to get the good food in the trap. That's when we knew it was time. We made the appointment and caught this little cat.  She reunited with Mom (Tawny Tabby) just after being released, and it made our day. 

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