Monday, September 21, 2015

Featured Colony Member: The Cute One

The nicknames of the cats in the colony are given to help us keep them straight in our notes. These names come from either physical or behavioral traits. This girl has some unique things about her, but her nickname really sums her up.

"The Cute One"
This little girl is the only calico cat in the feral colony, as surprising as that might be. There are a large number females with the tortoiseshell pattern, but The Cute One is the only one with the white, which is the defining part of the Calico pattern. She was born in 2014 and was fixed early in 2015 when she was just old enough to start having kittens. She showed up in the yard one evening with her ear tipped. This was a sign to us that one of our neighbors must be actively practicing Trap-Neuter-Return this year and gave us a boost into looking at the program seriously ourselves. We don't think she ever had any litters.

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