Monday, May 22, 2017

Fresh Feral Kittens #5 - 8, Straight from the Garden

Kitten season is here and we have been on the lookout, keeping our eyes and ears open. We try to find any kittens we can (as early as we can) and get them to the local humane society to help them avoid the feral life.

There is an unfixed female that we have been trying to catch for the longest time. She comes through the yard, but never stops. We've placed traps in her usual path with moist food, but that isn't enough to distract her from whatever mission she is on. We could tell by her size that she was pregnant, and then she didn't show up for a couple of days. When she did come back, she wasn't pregnant any more. This isn't the first time she's pulled this over on us. However, we have never actually seen her with kittens in tow. We assumed it would be the same this time around.

This is when things changed. She was suddenly around all day, every day. We knew this was odd, and while we didn't want to jinx the possibility, we assumed the kittens must be close by. The weather was really nice and then changed to cold & snowy for a few days. On Saturday, the weather warmed up and the sun came out. That's when we saw them. They are about 5 weeks old and this was probably their first day outside of the den (under a pile of brush). They were laying in a group, enjoying the sunshine. Mom is skittish of us, of course, and ran off when we approached. However, the kittens just looked at us and didn't fuss one bit while we picked them up. We took them to the local humane society where they tend to have plenty of foster moms at this time of year. They will be socialized and once old enough and friendly enough, they will be great candidates for adoption.

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