Friday, October 2, 2015

Kittens #2 & #3

We forgot to take a photo of the first fall 2015 kitten that we found and took to the humane society. These two kittens were found along the fence, both unattended by any adult cat and we were able to pick up both by hand. We put them in a pet carrier with a pee pad and a good helping of wet food. We will be taking them to the humane society in the morning.

Kitten 2
This poor thing is the perfect example of the hardships of feral life. It had no idea what was going on when we found it because its eyes were all gunked shut. We used a damp cloth to try and clean them out, but even after the gunk was gone, things still looked bad. Hopefully the folks at the humane society will be able to treat them. This kitten went to town eating the wet food we put down in front of it.

Kitten 3
This kitten is in much better shape and looks just like the first kitten we took in earlier this week to the humane society. Nothing special really, just a run of the mill tabby. Didn't hiss or run away, was just cold and really seemed to want some wet food. Should be easy enough to socialize and adopt out!

We talk about the ferals a lot and sometimes forget that they all got dealt a rough hand in life. Even with the TNR program's effort to control population and health, they will die to terrible things like exposure to the elements, predators, infection and disease. In the urban environment, cars are also on that list. These kittens will hopefully find great homes and forget the hardships they were born into.

*Update* - These two kittens were successfully turned over to the humane society for socialization and eventual adoption.

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