Tuesday, July 24, 2018


We recently found the very cleanly severed front quarter of the feral cat we called Crazy Legs and believe a coyote caught him. Crazy Legs didn't have very good control of his back half and was generally very clumsy.  We assumed it was some sort of neuromuscular condition, and most likely Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia. This probably made him the easiest target for a coyote. Coyotes do roam in and around town, we have heard them, and they have been sighted down the block. It is easy to forget that even though we live in suburbia, Mother Nature is not very far away, and these feral cats have to interact with her.

There aren't many other local predators in the area that we think would attack a cat.  The local great-horned owls could take a cat, but it is unlikely to leave one in the state we found Crazy. 

We have 36 cats on our list that have disappeared since we started this project (using our attendance tracking technique). This is the first adult cat we have actually found deceased.

RIP Crazy Legs