Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Feral #37

This was one of quickest captures ever.  It took less than 5 minutes.

"Tawny Tabby"

This brown tabby cat has been in the yard a few times, but we mostly see her in our utility easement. The first time we spotted her, she had a small kitten in tow. We attempted to get the kitten, came really close, but it ended up escaping. Since we knew this cat was still nursing, we decided to wait and let her become more comfortable around us so we could trap her easily once the kitten was fully weaned.  This worked.  We lowered the trap over the fence into the utility easement with some wet food and she went right in! Unfortunately, the kitten is much too old for the Humane Society to socialize now, so we'll have to fix it eventually.  Since it is around most of the time and is clearly interested in us, it shouldn't be too difficult.  We just need to spend a bit more time getting it used to the trap.  As a side note, the kitten came over to greet 'mom' when we released her.  It was super cute.