Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kitten #4

We know the blog has been pretty silent, but that's because there aren't many cats left to fix, and those that remain have proven to be incredibly difficult to trap. That left us wondering if we were going to find any kittens this year, especially since we know of only 2 unfixed females. Our neighbors told us that they found one kitten in the Spring, but this is the first one we've found.

Kitten 4

We found this kitten yesterday evening all alone in the utility easement after hearing its little cries. This is the healthiest kitten we have ever found in the colony. Clean butt, no gooey eyes, attentive, big appetite, and it took a healthy poop. It was friendly and wanted to socialize with us. After a bit of play, we put it in a pet carrier with a pee-pad, a towel, and some wet food for the night. Then we took it to the humane society in the morning. It is too young to adopt out immediately, but after several more weeks, the folks at the humane society say they shouldn't have a problem finding a home for it.

We are glad this kitten won't have to grow up in the tough conditions that come with being a feral cat... and we don't have to pick up all the poop it would potentially leave in the yard!